Version 3.2
Advancing research on degrowth and post-growth organization

What are the implications of degrowth for organization(s)? How can we organize for a post-growth economy and society? An emerging scholarship on degrowth and post-growth organization is addressing these and other questions, drawing on diverse disciplinary perspectives and viewpoints. Recent works have outlined how degrowth aligns with organizations utilizing peer production (Robra et al, 2021), others looked at how degrowth compels a rethinking of business models (Kostakis et al, 2015; Khmara and Kroenenberg, 2018; Nesterova, 2020; Hankammer et al, 2021), business innovation (Wells, 2018), future organizations (Roth, 2016), profit (Hinton, 2020, 2021), scaling (Colombo et al., in press), and post-growth organization and organizing (Johnsen et al., 2017; Rätzer et al., 2018). Others draw on practice theories (e.g. Schmid, 2018), including the proposal that degrowth serves as a boundary object which is transforming - and being transformed by - existing notions of organization (Vandeventer and Lloveras, 2020). This dispersion of understandings suggests that there is a need to further articulate and clarify the contours of what degrowth means for organization(s) as well as what organization(s) mean for degrowth.
Contains a presentation by Sofia Adam: Universal human needs or alternative organization for the production of new social needs? A dilemma for degrowth research and practice.
Building on a workshop on this topic at the University of Vigo (Spain) in April 2023, which will start mapping different approaches to degrowth/post-growth and organization, this Special Session will include presentations of papers that review existing research on degrowth and post-growth organization, as well as theoretical and empirical papers on the subject.
Start time:
Special Session
Alternative economies