Version 3.2

Schedule – 2023-08-31

ZV-KC-Cres, ZV-KC-2, ZV-KC-1, ZV-8-7, ZV-8-8, ZV-8-10, ZV-8-9

ZV-KC-Cres ZV-KC-2 ZV-KC-1 ZV-8-7 ZV-8-8 ZV-8-10 ZV-8-9


Building solidarities and alliances between food sovereignty and degrowth across the rural urban spectrum
A conversation about extractivism and exploitation in supply chains for the digital economy and alternatives


Considering the Post-Digital Era and Life After Big Tech
Clearing the path for transformation
stepping out of domineering relationship with Nature


Attaining a sustainable future by making free markets work for the people and the environment
Lessons from using the backcasting method to explore 1.5° pathways in 5 EU countries
The Contribution of IAMs and Ecological Macroeconomic Models to Assess the Feasibility of Degrowth pathways
A meta-theory of economic modelling and specific socio-economic vision for the sustainable development of the human-technology-nature nexus
A systematic literature review of case studies
The potential of traditional popular culture for a degrowth transition
Repoliticizing the Sustainability of the Ocean Economy
Strengthening alliances between the degrowth and the global health community
Should we pursue SDG 7 "energy access for all" in Sub-Saharan Africa?






Decolonizing the view of nature and the female figure
Donna Andrews (University of Johannesburg), Natalie Bennett (Green member, House of Lords), Arpita Bisht (Erasmus University Rotterdam), Bas Eickhout (MEP, Green group in the EP) and Maritza Islas (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México). Moderated by: Vedran Horvat (Institute for Political Ecology) 
Marwa Arsanios, farid rakun/ruangrupa. Moderated by: Ana Dević & Pablo Martínez
A co-creative workshop on Policies, Strategies and Instruments in / by / for Cities and Regions
Aligning with the political economy of degrowth


Book presentation, feedbacks, updates and perspectives
Pt I: City of Zagreb representative (TBC), Eric Piolle (Mayor of City of Grenoble / online), Lucia di Paola (ICLEI), Imogen Hamilton-Jones (LSE Cities), Ana Méndez de Andés (University of Sheffield), Chloe Pottinger-Glass (Stockholm Environment Institute), Elisabeth Richardson (University of Manchester). ; Pt II: Ada Amon (Climate Advisor to the Mayor of Budapest), Sophie Bloemen (Commons Network), Dirk Holemans (GEF/OIKOS), Cléo Mieulet (Transformation House); Moderated by: Branko Ančić (Institute for Social Research Zagreb) & Vedran Horvat (Institute for Political Ecology)
Marija Bartl (University of Amsterdam, Alessandra Giannessi (UNICARE), Valeria Graziano (Pirate Care), Jelena Miloš (Croatian MP, Možemo!), Nithi Nesadurai (Climate Action Network South East Asia). Moderated by: Tomislav Medak (Multimedia Institute – MAMA)





ZV-8-1, ZV-8-2, ZV-8-3, ZV-8-4, ZV-8-5, ZV-8-6, CMR-terrace

ZV-8-1 ZV-8-2 ZV-8-3 ZV-8-4 ZV-8-5 ZV-8-6 CMR-terrace


A launch event for the MEND (Management Educators Navigating Degrowth) network
Pathways for the post-capitalist and post-fossil rural
Degrowth Qualities and nowtopian stories of futurable rural communities


Exploring the conditions for a social-ecological transformation towards degrowth from the inside out


Where are we and what next?
Sufficiency palatable to Boggs and Huber
New role division within degrowth Practice






An Essential Part of the Degrowth Debate and Climate Change Mitigation
Debates on alternative production and their potential for labour’s strategy in the transformation of the German automotive industry
Concrete strategies for designing low-tech digital infrastructures
Comparing different approaches of the care economy movement in Germany, Austria and Switzerland




