Version 3.2
Fertile Ground
Building solidarities and alliances between food sovereignty and degrowth across the rural urban spectrum

Degrowth and Food Sovereignty movements have a shared interest in defending and creating systems of production and reproduction based around the flourishing of human beings and nature. Both movements also share commitments to deepening democracy and building alliances for transformative change. However, in many contexts, these movements are not working closely together. What obstacles, gaps, differences in political and organising traditions, or unexplored questions are blocking deeper and more substantive collaboration? How are degrowth and food sovereignty movements seeking new alliances and coalitions? Where are there possibilities for coalition-formation and the mutual strengthening of these two movements for transformation?
This workshop aims to bring together activists and academics to collectively explore and unpack alliance-formation between degrowth and food sovereignty movements (including urban food movements). It will devote special attention to tensions and possibilities for organising across the rural-urban spectrum, on the one hand, and between global North and global South on the other. Short presentations and an interactive discussion with panelists during the first 45 minutes will present cases, tensions, and questions about drivers, obstacles, and possibilities for new alliances. The latter 45 minutes of the workshop will be used for an interactive exercise with workshop participants to harvest experiences of alliance-formation, tensions or obstacles, and questions for further collective exploration.
Start time:
Non-academic Session
Resilience building through degrowth