Version 3.2

Unpacking Philippines Zero Waste Community Sites as a pathway for Degrowth

The socio-ecological crisis has brought about various pathways to rethink development and its consequences especially in relation to neoliberalism and its excesses. In the more developed countries, the word “degrowth” has entered the vocabulary of activists and academic circles since the early 2000s. As with any other development alternatives, degrowth merits critical examination. As a global alternative path towards socio-ecological transformation, degrowth needs to be explored because it engenders alternative conceptualizations and practices of development that highlight its cursorily examined yet significant social and cultural dimensions.

While alternative practices of development are deemed and oftentimes lauded for being more nuanced, participatory, and just, a deeper analysis on how it is being diffused on the ground merits a study. Is degrowth possible in the Global South? Are cases of action contributing towards degrowth already flourishing in these countries?. The paper explores these questions and the intersections of alternative development in the Global South through degrowth. It tries to situate these theoretical underpinnings from the lens of community-led zero waste management project sites in the Philippines.


Day: 2023-08-30
Start time: 12:30
Duration: 00:15
Room: ZV-8-9
Type: Paper Presentation
Theme: Alternative economies


Concurrent Sessions