Version 3.2

Discovering Diverse Financing

The field of finance is conceived as the epitome of our capitalist economy to the extent that there is limited knowledge about alternative financing outside financial markets. Through the lens of the Diverse Economies, we wish to re-read finance in a way that it reverts to being at service to the economy by “support[ing] emancipatory, ethical and solidaristic diverse economic practices” (Gibson-Graham and Dombroski, 2020: 15) – thus, exhibiting that diverse forms of financing do exist. Research findings from qualitative fieldwork in Luxembourg and Saxony, Germany, illustrate how community economies practice diverse financing in many ways and by which opportunities, challenges as well as limitations they are accompanied. These examples of localized organizations and projects emphasize how important capital, in its many shapes and forms stretching along a continuum, is to establish also alternative economic initiatives. Our empirical research shows that community economies, when targeting objectives linked to de- & postgrowth, face similar difficulties and advances, which shows that these are not single instances but can add up to become valid regional pathways that deserve to be highlighted as such. Our paper demonstrates how finance is vital for alternative economic activities and can be used as an ethical tool for a common good (Safri and Madra, 2020).


Day: 2023-08-30
Start time: 16:30
Duration: 00:15
Room: ZV-KC-2
Type: Paper Presentation
Theme: Alternative economies


Concurrent Sessions