Version 3.2

UPDATE: Degrowth and informal waste work: who cleans for a just transition?

This paper will focus upon informally self-employed waste pickers and how they play a vital role in the circulation of waste/used-goods. Following waste industries provides a unique entry point to discuss tensions between capitalist production and ecological impact as well as the complexity of global supply chains. In order to build pathways towards just transition, degrowth frameworks need to engage with scholarship on informal waste work to examine how we can ensure social security protection for people who are doing ecological work. Moreover, following the discourses on garbage and tracing the map of global circulation of waste can enable the degrowth frameworks to be more grounded in material and working realities highly precarious work such as waste picking.


Day: 2023-08-30
Start time: 16:45
Duration: 00:15
Room: ZV-KC-2
Type: Paper Presentation
Theme: Alternative economies


Concurrent Sessions