Version 3.2

Fairytales of Growth

Documentary Screening followed by Q&A

"Fairytales of Growth is a documentary on climate change, degrowth and system change. The effects and risks of climate change are compelling young people the world round to call upon radical system change as the only solution to avoid a catastrophic collapse.
Fairytales of Growth looks at the role economic growth has had in bringing about this crisis, and explores the alternatives to it, offering a vision of hope for the future and a better life for all within planetary boundaries."

Created as a final project for the masters in political ecology, degrowth and environmental justice (ICTA-UAB), this documentary represents an attempt to summarize the main messages of degrowth and bring them to a wider audience. Following the screening of the film (47min) we will open a discussion reflecting on how degrowth can be better communicated through audio-visual media, and how or what educational materials are lacking to facilitate degrowth being taken up in classrooms across the world.


Day: 2023-08-30
Start time: 18:00
Duration: 01:30
Room: ZV-8-5
Type: Non-academic Session
Theme: Communicating degrowth within a consumerist common sense


Concurrent Sessions