Version 3.2

Feminist Alternative Economies: Towards Radical Emancipatory Horizons

This activity has two objectives. The first is to make visible various economic alternatives built by feminists, women and LGBTQIA+ people in different parts of the world and in different sectors of our economies and spheres of our lives. These alternatives include care economies, housing alternatives, agroecological initiatives, food sovereignty and seed sovereignty, various cooperatives and other social and solidarity economy initiatives, and unions among other alternatives. The second objective of this activity is to present our political vision and feminist decolonial approaches to the economy that transcend binarisms between the microeconomic and the macroeconomic, and allow to foster more bridges and articulations between thousands of radical alternatives that already exist, towards systemic changes and of paradigmatic shifts that we need in the face of these multiple crises that we are facing.


Day: 2023-09-02
Start time: 15:30
Duration: 01:00
Room: CMR-klub
Type: Non-academic Session
Theme: Alternative economies


Concurrent Sessions