Version 3.2

The Good Life for All in the Digital Double Classroom

One key challenge in Education for Degrowth (EfD) is the lack of its systematic rooting in formal education systems, causing the politization of future activists to rely on civil society and leaving much idle potential for sustainable transformation. The concept for the advanced training lab for teachers “The Good Life for All in the Digital Double Classroom” addresses this challenge.
This paper describes the EfD concept and develops the training lab, which trains high school teachers to carry out joint classes with partner classes in the Global South. The students from the North and from the South come into direct contact to exchange views on topics that affect them both from their respective perspectives. A first example of this is the area of "tourism", which the German students know from the perspective of active participation, while students in the South (the partner school of a pilot project is on Zanzibar) know tourism either from an uninvolved but observing perspective or through active income generation in the tourism industry. A second example is the material base of digitality, which students in Germany know as consumers of digital devices, while students in Tanzania tend to see this in the form of problems relating to the extraction of raw materials or (in other countries) the manufacturing of computer chips. The direct exchange with peers, who are affected by the same topic in different ways, enables the perception of the complexity of global problems, inherent in value chains or global public goods and commons.


Day: 2023-08-30
Start time: 10:45
Duration: 00:15
Room: ZV-8-5
Type: Paper Presentation
Theme: Degrowth as a political project?


Concurrent Sessions