Version 3.2

Maritza Islas: "Living in the Capitalocene: Bodies, Territories, and the Web of Life" (Workshop)

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

At the beginning of the 21st century, the concept of the Anthropocene entered the political and scientific arena announcing the beginning of a new epoch characterized by human influence on Earth's systems.

However, from the perspective of various social thinkers, it is more accurate to employ the notion of the Capitalocene to underscore capitalism's responsibility in the destruction of nature. Despite the significance of these discussions, both concepts remain overly abstract, and distant from everyday realities.

In this workshop we will explore the meaning of living in the Capitalocene, how it affects our bodies and our territories, and how it amplifies the connections between us.


Day: 2023-09-02
Start time: 15:30
Duration: 01:30
Room: CMR-velika
Type: Non-academic Session
Theme: Panel


Concurrent Sessions