Version 3.2

Olha Boiko: "Walking a mile in EECCA activists’ shoes towards climate justice"

Coordinator of CAN EECCA and a board member of the Ukrainian Climate Network

What do we know about being a civil society activist in Eastern Europe, Caucasus or Central Asia? Be it Ukraine, Georgia or Kyrgyzstan – all countries need to move towards climate justice and implement better climate policies. At the same time, being a climate activist means you might have to risk your reputation, safety or financial wellness in order to even be heard. In this role-play workshop, we will discuss the issue of making an impact in a very challenging environment with new crisis emerging one after another. But don’t be scared, we will find a lot of inspiration and power through this process.


Day: 2023-09-02
Start time: 14:00
Duration: 01:30
Room: CMR-velika
Type: Non-academic Session
Theme: Climate (in)justice


Concurrent Sessions