Version 3.2

Democratic Confederalism in Theory and Practice

Mario Rudra (Academy of Democratic Modernity) and Matej Kavčič (Academy of Democratic Modernity)

Democratic Confederalism is a social concept that takes the basic principles of the degrowth idea and translates them into a system of self-government for the people of the Middle East. The concept's mastermind, Abdullah Öcalan, sees Democratic Confederalism as a response to "capitalist modernity" and its three pillars of capitalist economics, the nation-state and industrialism.

What Degrowth and Democratic Confederalism have in common is that they oppose a growth-oriented and centralized social structure and instead strive for a decentralized, grassroots democratic and sustainable social order. Both concepts also emphasize the importance of solidarity, justice and ecological sustainability.

Despite these similiarities, there has been very limited exchange between the two theories. Therefore, we would like to present in a panel both the emergence of the Demcratic Confederalism as a concept self-administered society and its practical implementation in Rojava/Northern Syria.


Day: 2023-09-02
Start time: 14:00
Duration: 01:30
Room: CMR-park 2/glazbena
Type: Non-academic Session
Theme: Panel


Concurrent Sessions