Version 3.2

Municipalist Politics for the Change We Need - Experiences from Zagreb

Tonko Bogovac (District Council Novi Zagreb – East), Marija Brajdić Vuković (City Assembly of Zagreb), Marina Ivandić (City Assembly of Zagreb), Iva Ivšić (City Assembly of Zagreb), Marin Živković (City Assembly of Zagreb), Moderated by: Branko Ančić (ISRZ)

Zagreb je NAŠ!/Možemo! neighbourhood, district and city councilors will discuss the efforts of the current green-left municipal government in Zagreb to institute a more democratic, more just and more sustainable city to live in.


Day: 2023-09-02
Start time: 15:30
Duration: 01:30
Room: CMR-park 1
Type: Special Session
Theme: Degrowth as a political project?


Concurrent Sessions