Version 3.2

Snails over Teslas: how energy citizenship and energy communities can push for a degrowth energy transition

Energy citizenship and energy communities reclaiming our energy futures through practices of deliberative, direct democracy

Community energy, a specific form of energy citizenship (ENCI), represents one of the ways for a just and inclusive energy transition towards degrowth. At a time when the moral bankruptcy of energy companies has been laid bare by their profit-making in an energy crisis, different models for energy production and consumption are more relevant than ever. This session will first look at how different forms of ENCI, including energy communities, contribute towards the active and participative empowerment of people. Then, it will zoom in on energy communities and how they are formed in practice, how they engage people, appropriate the energy sector and democratize it. Finally, building on a database of ENCI initiatives, the session will provide solutions on how to include vulnerable people in the just and inclusive energy transition, make them part of energy communities and other ENCI initiatives, and enable them to become active energy citizens, hence tackling their energy poverty situations. The session will be introduced through three short presentations (10-12 minutes each), followed by a short Q&A session (15-20 minutes). After this, a facilitated breakout session will follow (30 minutes), in which we will tackle questions, such as How to ensure that ENCI, including community energy, contribute to degrowth?; How to stimulate the widening of ENCI practices without being caught into the traps of growth?; How are energy communities shielding citizens from prices shocks and market fluctuations?; Can women’s role be made more visible in the just and inclusive energy transition?


Day: 2023-09-01
Start time: 12:00
Duration: 01:30
Room: ZV-KC-2
Type: Special Session
Theme: Transformational climate politics (METAR)


Concurrent Sessions